Saturday, November 7, 2009

Overview of Instructional Design resource blogs bookmarked

As a new blogger- with this new opportunity to share information and fullfill my course requirements, I am displaying blogs that contain information on Instructional Design and learning/elearning. As I obtain new information, I will share it. These feeds thus far, highlight the ideas behind elearning in Instructional design. There are examples of theoretical thought process and information on different theorist that have contributed to each theory.
The following are 3 I'm highlighting for others to check out.

1. This one focused on learning objectives. It was the second sight I went to, and thought it was a simple easy read. Not too overwhelming with a lot of information, but gave a nice break down of questions we might have as we search and explore this new area (information blogs)

2. This blog I found through the link within our course resources. It wasnt the first one I went to, but after creating the layout and going back to review the assignment, I reread the reference to our resource materials. So, here again is a direct connection to the course and and discussion of this week - Ideas on instructional design for elearning and the strategies used. Ferdinand Krauss focuses on the comparance of elearning and traditional learning and highlights points of sociologist Mark Kassop who shared 10 ways that elearning "matches or supasses face-to-face learning".

3. This one focused on the internet, elearning and connectivism. It was the first blog I chose, as I searched for related topics to our course discussion for this week. This blog tied right into the theories and ideals of learning. Finding this made me feel comfortable in creating this blog and writing on the topics.

To make the connection for everyone, In this weeks course readings we touched on traditional and non-traditional learning, behaviorism, cognotivism, four forms of constructivism, and interactionist theories. In discussing these theories, our known theorist as far back as 470 BCE were highlighted. We're talking about Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Locke, Dewey, Vygotsky, Bloom, Skinner, Gagne, Knwles, and Prensky. The information gave me a flashback to my undergraduate studies in psychology. The material on these theories are not an easy read, but will definitely give you insight into the thought process of individuals and the styles/ways in which we learn and/or receive information. Within these chosen, everyone can find an area to relate to.

Hope you enjoy the readings and find some interest. Thank you for indulging me in this first attempt. 7 more weeks to go... ;-)


  1. Hi Iris,
    Finally, I found your blog.
    I liked the first blog you mentioned. I thought it was informative and straight forward. However, I found the second blog you listed really cluttered and a bit disorganised. Did you find it too?
    Third blog was neat and tickles a bit of your imagination.
    Anyhow, there are so many things offerd out there that we have to be discerning on what we really take on board, don't you think so? I get an inforation overload and I find it really tiring... hopefully all of these will serve its purpose.

  2. Hi Malu,
    ;-) I'm glad you found me. I was begining to think noone would... I just noticed that I even had a comment - I guess I thought I would get an email alert or some other kind of indicator when I had responses and/or viewers. Now I know to look carefully.
    Yes, you're absolutely right, we have to be discerning and it is a little draining to get soo much information. I guess we will adjust & find a workerable system as we progress.
    Thank you.
